Outlaw Trails Of West Virginia and Southeast Kentucky

Coal Camp Lodging

Coming to visit the mountains of West Virgina or Southeast Kentucky? The Hatfield McCoy trail system in West Virginia draws people from all over the country but there is a hidden gem in this area: the Outlaw Trails of West Virginia and Southeast Kentucky. If you are just now hearing about them then you are not alone. These trails are called the same thing but West Virginia doesn’t embrace the term while Kentucky does embrace the name. That may change in the near future because Kentucky is in the process of building and unveiling what will be The Hillbilly Trail System. The outlaw trail system adds hundreds of miles of trails to the already established Hatfield McCoy Trail System giving you the ability to ride trails for weeks without traveling the same trail twice. When traveling the outlaw trail system we encourage you to have a good gps, map system or hire a guide because the outlaw trails are not marked like the Hatfield McCoy Trails are marked. On the Outlaw Trails you will find everything you can imagine from easy to very difficult and even herds of wild horses. These horses love to be fed but we recommend you stay a safe distance away because they have been known to bite not only people but SxS’s as well.
A creek crossing on the outlaw trails of W. Virginia. Overlook with fog in the valleys on the outlaw trails in west virginia Waterfall on the Outlaw Trails in West Virginia Fall colors on the outlaw trails of West Virginia. Outlaw trails of Kentucky looking for the wild horses. Overlook from the outlaw trails of Kentucky. Side by side on the outlaw trails in Kentucky Sunset on the outlaw trails of Kentucky.
304-443-3147 coalcamplodging@gmail.com
Directions Via Google Maps 100 Coal Camp Dr. Matewan W.V 25678
Directions Via Vehicle GPS 110 Coal Camp Dr. Matewan W.V. 25678



Outlaw Trails Of West Virginia

and Southeast Kentucky

Directions Via Google Maps 100 Coal Camp Dr. Matewan West Virginia 25678 Directions Via Vehicle GPS 110 Coal Camp Dr. Matewan West Virginia 25678

Coal Camp Lodging

304-443-3147 coalcamplodging@gmail.com
Coming to visit the mountains of West Virgina or Southeast Kentucky? The Hatfield McCoy trail system in West Virginia draws people from all over the country but there is a hidden gem in this area: the Outlaw Trails of West Virginia and Southeast Kentucky. If you are just now hearing about them then you are not alone. These trails are called the same thing but West Virginia doesn’t embrace the term while Kentucky does embrace the name. That may change in the near future because Kentucky is in the process of building and unveiling what will be The Hillbilly Trail System. The outlaw trail system adds hundreds of miles of trails to the already established Hatfield McCoy Trail System giving you the ability to ride trails for weeks without traveling the same trail twice. When traveling the outlaw trail system we encourage you to have a good gps, map system or hire a guide because the outlaw trails are not marked like the Hatfield McCoy Trails are marked. On the Outlaw Trails you will find everything you can imagine from easy to very difficult and even herds of wild horses. These horses love to be fed but we recommend you stay a safe distance away because they have been known to bite not only people but SxS’s as well.
A creek crossing on the outlaw trails of W. Virginia. Overlook with fog in the valleys on the outlaw trails in west virginia Waterfall on the Outlaw Trails in West Virginia Fall colors on the outlaw trails of West Virginia. Outlaw trails of Kentucky looking for the wild horses. Overlook from the outlaw trails of Kentucky. Outlaw trails of Kentucky Sunset on the outlaw trails of Kentucky.
Coal Camp Lodging
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Coal Camp Lodging
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